How does this work?

We are sourcing donations of furniture from across the country, with major donations from the major studios and streamers. We then house that furniture, and once people affected by the fire have a new place to live, they sign up to come browse the warehouse, select some pieces, and then we deliver them to their new home.

What do I need to get started?

You need:

  1. To fill out our “I Need Help” form. You will be added to our list and someone will reach out to you to schedule a time to come to the warehouse.

  2. New interim, temporary or permanent housing, be that a house or apartment, but somewhere to furnish and live in.

  3. A copy of your FEMA paperwork or homeowner’s insurance claim, AND your photo ID. We will not keep any of this data, but require it to verify need. You will bring this with you in person to your appointment.

What is the shopping and delivery process?

Our volunteer set decorators, set dressers, and buyers will help you walk through the showroom and pick out pieces for your new home. We have over 500 households in need, and expect that number to continue to grow, so we ask you to focus on essentials first. At that point, our crew will load the items into a truck for delivery to your home. They will unload the truck, but you will need support from friends or family once the furniture is offloaded at your new residence.